Watermelon - nutritional information

I medium wedge (slice) of watermelon contains 1 gram of protein and 1 gram of dietary fiber.

Potassium - 332 mg
Magnesium - 31.5 mg
Phosphorus - 26 mg
Calcium - 23 mg
Iron - .5 mg
Selenium - .3 mg
Also contains small amounts of manganese, copper and zinc.

Vitamin A - 1050 IU
Vitamin C - 27 mg
Niacin - .57 mg
Vitamin B1 - .23 mg
Vitamin B6 - .4 mg
Folate (important during pregnancy) - 6.33 mcg
The first recorded watermelon harvest occurred nearly 5,000 years ago in Egypt. Watermelons are now grown in 96 countries worldwide.
Choose symmetrical watermelons with dried stems and yellowish undersides, heavy for size.
Store whole watermelons at room temperature.
Refrigerate cut watermelons in airtight container for use within 5 days.
Nutrition Benefits:
Fat free; saturated fat free; sodium free; cholesterol free; high in vitamin A; high in vitamin C.

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